Invitation to the feast of Allah

ID: 76777 | Date: 2025/03/01
Imam Khomeini advised believers and faithful people that they should participate properly in the feastof Allah.

Imam Khomeini explains : It requires extra hard practice, going to some lengths, spiritual exercises, perseverance, and discipline, until one is able to fix one’s attention completely on nothing but God and cut himself off from all else.

 this noble month, in which you have been invited to the divine banquet, if you do not gain insight [ma‘rifat] about God the Almighty nor insight into yourself, it means that you have not properly participated in the feast of Allah(Ramadan). You must not forget that in this blessed month, which is the ‘month of Allah’, in which the way of divine mercy is opened to the servants of God and the satans and devils, according to some reports, are locked in chains.