Imam Khomeini Established Solid Cultural Foundations

Imam Khomeini Established Solid Cultural Foundations

A prominent Bahraini intellectual says that the great leader of the Muslim world established very strong cultural foundations that raised genuine awareness among the Muslim and oppressed nations around the globe.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013 02:59

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Imam Promoted True Understanding of Islam

Imam Promoted True Understanding of Islam

Imam Khomeini the religious and spiritual leader of the Muslim world introduced the true understanding of the Islamic teachings and his ideas inspired the recent Islamic awakening across the Middle East, North Africa and several other regions of the world.

Monday, April 22, 2013 02:11

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Burundi President Pays Tribute to Late Imam Khomeini

Burundi President Pays Tribute to Late Imam Khomeini

Burundian President Pierre Nkurunziza and his accompanying delegation on Wednesday attended the mausoleum of the late Imam Khomeini to pay tribute to the Founder of the Islamic Republic.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013 02:04

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 Imam Khomeini thought inspiring Islamic Awakening and revolutions

Imam Khomeini thought inspiring Islamic Awakening and revolutions

The General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces has stated that revolutions in the Middle-East and North Africa regions followed by the collapse of the West-backed dictatorial regimes were a materialization of the events forecasted by the Late Imam Khomeini.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013 01:12

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Imam Khomeini is a Role Model for All Muslims

An interview with Professor Yaghoub Yahya:

Imam Khomeini is a Role Model for All Muslims

Professor YaghoubYahya is a Muslim scholar and lives in Nigeria. Last year on the occasion of death anniversary of Imam Khomeini he was a guest of this country. What follows is the text of an interview with him performed by Hozour magazine.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013 02:38

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Let`s not Neglect the Islamic Revolution

An interview with Ismail kaya:

Let's not Neglect the Islamic Revolution

Ismail Kaya is an active South African Muslim and a member of the management bureau of '' the institute of contemporary Islamic thought'' in this county. The last year in a trip that took a few days was a guest of our country and participated in a short interview with Hozour Magazine whose text follows:

Sunday, February 17, 2013 01:19

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