Imam emphasized on following the holy prophet’s teachings

Imam emphasized on following the holy prophet’s teachings

Imam Khomeini, the great religious and spiritual leader of the Islamic world had frequently emphasized on following the footsteps of the holy prophet of Islam Mohammad (peace be upon him) and his infallible successors.

Friday, January 11, 2013 06:41

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Imam Khomeini, the Revivalist of Ashura Culture

Imam Khomeini, the Revivalist of Ashura Culture

Imam Khomeini’s movement which had started on the evening of Ashura in 1342 AHS reached its highest point at the month of Muharram in 1358 AHS. Imam’s historical massage for the Islamic revolution manifested itself in the slogan of “the blood’s triumph over the sword.”

Monday, November 26, 2012 04:09

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The historical significance of Ashura (2)

The historical significance of Ashura (2)

The nearby river of Furat was also blocked by Yazid forces and the infallible along with his 72 companions were martyred while being thirsty.

Friday, November 23, 2012 08:58

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The Master of Martyrs (as) has kept Islam alive

Imam Hussein (as) & his revival of Islam

The Master of Martyrs (as) has kept Islam alive

Imam Hussein (as), the Master of Martyrs, fought against oppression and tyranny and gave everything he had, his children, his family and himself in order to save Islam. Imam Hussein’s (as) movement was able to destroy a dynasty. The reason we cry for Imam Hussein (as) and hold mourning sessions, which we were told to do by Imam al-Sadiq (as), is not only because the tragedies of Imam Hussein (as) truly breaks our hearts and fills us with sorrow but it is to continue his uprising against oppression and tyranny.

Monday, December 26, 2011 03:06

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 Muharram and Ashura


Muharram and Ashura

Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar, when Muslims commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (as), the grandson of the Prophet Mohammad (saw) and the third Imam and leader of the Shi'a. Imam Hussein's (as) martyrdom is a sad day for all Muslims especially the Shi'a, who mourn the massacre of their "Master of Martyrs" and his family in Karbala in 61AH/680CE.

Sunday, November 27, 2011 12:11

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