Faez Mostafa – the judicature's lawyer, a member of the board of the politics of the republic of Sri Lanka
Wednesday, October 09, 2019 11:05
According to Imam Khomeini, Women are great trainer of society. Men are brought up by women. Happiness and misery of a country depends on women.
Saturday, October 05, 2019 10:03
In 1978 and while Islamic movement of Iranian people led by Imam Khomeini had reached its culmination, the Shah’s regime, disappointed at compromising with Imam Khomeini, tried some political measures to limit his activities or deport him from Iraq.
Saturday, October 05, 2019 11:53
Imam Khomeini managed the Islamic movement successfully during his historic stay in Nofel Lashato. The Shah regime collapsed due to Imam's wise and insightful guidance and strategy.
Thursday, October 03, 2019 12:51
Reversing earlier U.S. policy, President Dwight D. Eisenhower authorized the CIA to instigate a coup d'état in Tehran that led to the overthrow of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mosaddeq and his government on this day in 1953.
Sunday, August 18, 2019 01:46
Imam Khomeini’s was a matchless figure and his divine personality has had comprehensive dimensions.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019 08:37
What comes following is a speech and a piece of writing delivered by a Nigerian scholar and originally published in Tehran times in month of June, which coincided with passing anniversary of Imam Khomeini.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019 12:26
Dr. Beheshti was considered as a right-hand of the great Imam and the founder of the Islamic Republic on several occasion hailed Beheshti’s knowledge of worldly and religious affairs and his political wisdom.
Thursday, June 27, 2019 09:16