Hojjat ul-Islam Mohammad Reza Heshmati, the cultural director of the Institute for Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini's Works said that Imam Khomeini used to attach a great significance to Ramadan, and the rituals of this holy month must be converted into a full fledge nationwide culture among the Muslim societies.
The intellectual went on to say that the people across the Persian Gulf nations celebrate this month with a great pomp and show and they prepare themselves for a great divine feast.
Ramadan across the Islamic countries is not identical to any type of mourning, but a massive feast and celebration and the landscape of the cities reflect great sense of happiness. Several expressions and notes in Arabic such “welcome to guests of God” can be seen written on cities and town walls.
In several regions, people stay awake, from late night to dawn, to hold divine discussions and recite supplications and prayers.
They also remember conduct of the holy prophet and his infallible successors especially the peak of eloquences by Imam Ali (peace be upon him), such as the following expression:
Imam Ali (peace by upon him) said: Each of certain days when a man doesn't commit a sin should be considered an Eid for him.
Heshmati noted that our Shia seminaries and national broadcaster must remain at forefront to underscore the beauties of rituals of Ramadan.
The intellectual also said that Ramadan consists of the night of power or decree (al-Qadr) and the divine book of Quran was revealed during this holy period. So staying awake to perform worships during these holy nights and reciting Quran bear great rewards.
Observing fasting, giving charity, seeking forgiveness from God the Almighty, expressing mercy towards orphans and cementing bonds with relatives are considered tasks of great significance during this holy month.