The great personality of the world of Islam

Imam Khomeini is the great personality of the world of Islam. The Muslims should learn a lesson relating to how to l live from Imam who tried to make Islam great and the Muslims to become great and he only leaned on the Godly power

The great one and th one who protects religion and guards the bases and the Islamic values

Talking about Imam Khomeini and making a judgment about those who have made a big change and that has had to do with history and judging about very interesting events and those have influenced the destiny of millions of human beings in their age and in the future ages is very difficult; not only did they free themselves from darkness and the running of this daily life and that is tyring but also they led their society to the extent  that it was excellent and that had to do with pride and honour; thwe depth of the soul of the distinguished personality of persons like Imam Khomeini-

And he was the founder of completion of a trend concerning  development and completion- prevents human beings thought from referring to historians who have comfort but are astonished cpncerning the greatness and the fake pretension of  their personality. We kow Imam Khomeini as a great protector of religion and a guard Islamic bases and values vis- a- vis great storms of perversions… From that aspect Imam Khomeini (peace be upon him) is a unique figure

Mojadedi, Sabaghatolah – the president of the temporary government of Afghani Mojahedeen

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